A very good video on the gulf that exists between the climate science experts and the general population in terms of awareness and alarm regarding anthropogenic climate change:
(from a comment on a P3 thread)
The essence of this impending calamity is, more than anything else, a story of betrayal: betrayal of a naively trusting population by its political leaders and even more by its news media. When the denial of this crisis is finally seen to be as implausible and ludicrous as it already is, it may be too late. It may be too late already to avoid truly terrible consequences, but we must…
symphony of science
I first saw this video at Planet 3.0 a fair while ago and have seen it posted again since. I find it very uplifting despite being a jaded climate blogger of many years. There are many other science-based music videos at www.symphonyofscience.com and I have listened/watch most (all?) of them, but this is the best as well as being on topic here.
I think it is just about the perfect mix of the various elements of outreach needed to motivate the general public: explanation, urgency and optimism.