
I have been rather violently ill these past few days due to, I assume, food poisoning. Today, I am shaking and weak but that horrific headache and my desire to cling to the porcelain throne are gone. But I am left wondering; was this the bread I bought as a treat in the bulk bin at the grocery story? Or that beautiful apple that tasted especially good? Anyway, I am back at the library today, using their free wireless and catching up on some things that should have been done by now, such as sending out a piece of writing to be published in the National Finch and Softbill Society's magazine (…
I've been getting worried emails from people who want to know if I am alright. Yes, I am fine, although my troubles have multiplied since I am now ill with a rather nasty cold as well as experiencing other unpleasantnesses. In fact, due to my inability to sleep, I wonder if my illness is partially (or totally) due to that alone. So I started taking citalopram once more, just for a few more days, so I can make myself get some sleep, and hopefully, recover from this cold more quickly. In addition to all that drama, I am leaving for Finland in a few days (this is last-minute, at least as…
Image: Orphaned. Contact me so I can provide proper attribution. I am still catching up with myself and all my commitments -- amazing how these things happen when you work for free, isn't it? Below the fold is the list of what I've been working on, and the progress I've made; putting the finishing touches on my OpenLab2008 essay and emailing that to the editor. Yes, I am terribly late! Done! And OpenLab is going to press at this very moment. writing six book reviews. Yes, I am terribly behind on this too, unfortunately! writing three guest blog essays, also late. One is finished…
Image: Dalhousie School of Architecture. Now that the world is brand new again, thanks to President Obama being safely ensconced in the White House, I am curious to know what you all are thinking and doing right now. To get you started, I thought I'd tell you what I am up to. Now that I am back from North Carolina (my session was apparently a success), my NYC visitors are all safely back home again, the ScienceBlogs' MT upgrade is completed and I am mostly finished with transferring the proper files to my new laptop so I can continue doing my work on my blog, and I finally have some time…