Was it the Bread?

I have been rather violently ill these past few days due to, I assume, food poisoning. Today, I am shaking and weak but that horrific headache and my desire to cling to the porcelain throne are gone. But I am left wondering; was this the bread I bought as a treat in the bulk bin at the grocery story? Or that beautiful apple that tasted especially good?

Anyway, I am back at the library today, using their free wireless and catching up on some things that should have been done by now, such as sending out a piece of writing to be published in the National Finch and Softbill Society's magazine (alas, they don't pay their authors anything, so I am relegated to providing my writing for free) and I need to fix the edits made to my Nature book review before sending that back to them for publication. Of course, since I am still unable to figure out how to save iPages documents as Word documents, this process is made much more difficult and annoying than it needs to be ...

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don't currently have copy of pages, but does it save as .rtf or .rtfd?

alternatively, one of the two solutions here seem to have done the trick. though they don't specify which...

a few days? are you sure it was food poisoning? glad to hear you're feeling better

i am not positive it was food poisoning, since i was already feeling bad (allergies? cold?) prior to this ..

thanks for the RTF info .. it does save as RTF, and i guess i should have tried that, but the editors specifically asked for word file and since i wasn't sure whether RTF can be read by word, i eventually gave them each a word document.

anyway, all that's done, so now i can get back to writing for all of you.

To save as a Word document, just choose Export instead of Save As. You can then choose the format to Export (save, it's doing the same thing, no idea why the different wording is used), et voila!

Yeah, just go file to export, and it'll give you a choice to export as a .doc, .pdf, etc.

iWork has been a total waste of money for me though, since the file converter routinely messes up my complex formatting so bad that it become utterly useless.

@ Bob O'H... [pedantic comment] Salmon Mousse [/pedantic comment]

The most common sort of food poisoning is Staphylococcal, which usually shows up from something perishable left out at room temperature, or occasionally, in the fridge too long. Salad bar eggs/meats are a common source, as are tuna salad/potato salad-type items. I'd really doubt the bread or the apple as a source. Food poisoning usually strikes hard without warning, within a few hours of eating the offending food. The Staph bug produces a toxin as part of its normal metabolism, when it's allowed to grow on the food, and the toxin is a powerful GI irritant. Your body just does its level best to get the toxin out, usually only for 12-24 hours. If you were feeling sick before-hand, and it lasted several days, it was likely viral.

Yes, Word reads RTF files.

AbiWord, an open source word processor (often used on Linux), wrote files with names that ended in .doc but were in RTF format for years because it is the one format Word reads apart from the "real" .doc format(*) and RTF is a lot simpler to generate than .doc. It worked pretty well :)

*) Actually there are several related .doc formats.

By Peter Lund (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink