
tags: Dangerous Wands: The Ghetto Harry Potter, Harry Potter, teaching, poverty, funny, humor, parody, streaming video A little birdie whispered into my ear about this video .. to say the least, as a former college professor and Harry Potter fan, I LOVE it, and I think you will enjoy it, too!
tags: Darth Vader in the Death Star Cafeteria, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, transvestite, Eddie Izzard, streaming video I have a secret for all you kids out there. When your parents tell you to leave your Christmas gifts in the living room while you sleep in your bedrooms, they are spending Christmas night using their new digital video cameras to create YouTube videos, such as this one, where they re-enact scenes from their favorite movies. Don't believe me? Well, watch this, but don't get mad at me if this turns out to be one of your parents playing with your toys!
tags: Jingle Farts, Holidays, humor, funny, silly, streaming video Here's a silly holiday greeting and song especially for all my readers who appreciate such things.
tags: kitchen science, science abuse, christmas lights, microwave oven, funny, humor, brainiac, streaming video This video shows one of several dangerous kitchen experiments conducted by real scientists who video them -- all so you don't have to repeat them yourself.
tags: invertebrates, comedy, humor, bentekr, animation, streaming video This sweet video shows you how the spider and the fly celebrated Christmas this year.
tags: The Known Universe, education, AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, NYC, streaming video The Known Universe is an educational video about the new exhibit at AMNH that takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of…
tags: The Science of Christmas Trees, education, streaming video My spouse and I are seeking the perfect Christmas Tree today -- our first ever! -- so we thought we'd do some homework. In this video, a tree expert talks a little about Christmas trees for sale at his corner shop. This particular film has been entered for consideration in the contest at ChloroFilms.
tags: Finnish Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Jack Bauer interrogates Santa Claus, comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, holidays, Christmas, Finland, streaming video Here's another video documentary that reveals the travails that Father Christmas encounters when he tries to enter the United States. It isn't easy being generous to strangers in the land of unfettered capitalism. Video credit: Rebel Viral Team.
tags: Speak Better English, German, comedy, humor, funny, satire, television, streaming video The man in this television commercial reminds me of myself as I attempt to learn to speak German.
tags: Santa Claus, Santa the Fascist Years, comedy, humor, funny, satire, holidays, Christmas, politics, streaming video We all think of Santa as "Jolly ole St. Nick." But who knew that he has a dark hidden past that's very un-jolly? This short film uncovers and explores Santa's flirtation with politics and ...
tags: Motorworld, giant Dodge Power Wagon, offbeat, weird, automobiles, television, streaming video This is a short video clip from Clarkson's Motorworld about a Dodge Power Wagon that is 64 times larger than the original. It comes with a full-sized house inside, a great view from the tailgate ... and it can move: it gets great mileage for a truck...just under 30 gallons per mile! (I do really like the brief bits from Pink Floyd as background music). How small does someone's penis have to be that they need to have a truck like this?
tags: Finnish Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Rare Exports, comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, holidays, Christmas, Finland, streaming video This fascinating video, filmed and presented in the grand tradition of a National Geographic documentary, reveals what happens when an original Father Christmas, Hoho joulusta, goes on a rampage after being treated badly by humans. The composer is Jim Dooley and the songs used in the film are "Mystic Tryst" and "Ancient Crystal".
This is one of my favorite demos. I like it because anyone can do it at home and people usually find the results surprising. Here is the situation: How much of yourself could you see in a small mirror? What if you move farther away from the mirror, can you see more of yourself? If you want to do the demo yourself, now would be a good time. All you need is a small mirror (I used a platter from a 10 GB hard drive - they make awesome mirrors). It will help out a lot if you can mount the mirror on a surface that is very near to vertical. Here is my version of this demo (in case you can't…
tags: Atheists Can't Think For Themselves!, humor, funny, satire, religion, christianity, islam, Edward Current, streaming video This astonishing video sets out to prove that being a Christian requires constant thinking, while being an atheist sheep does not. This explains why atheists are the dumbest people God ever created!
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, SPAM, MysteryBox, streaming video A hardcore atheist finds God when he wasn't even looking for God. It's a touching story with a happy ending. Although the star is having a bit of fun in this video, the point that the video star making is serious. The world is full of people making exactly the sort of logical mistake he's making in the video. As a result the world is filled with people thinking they have had a personal experience of their version of god yet all these people believe conflicting notions and have no real evidence for their beliefs.
tags: Chainsaw Illusion, magician, optical illusion, streaming video I ran across this amazing illusion recently and have been intrigued: how did the magician do this? Was the guy who was chopped in half actually two people? Was the short guy running around at the beginning of the scene the bottom half? Here's another view of the trick; Apparently, "half-men" have been known before;
tags: Finnish Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Rare Exports, comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, holidays, Christmas, Finland, streaming video This fascinating video, filmed and presented in the grand tradition of a National Geographic documentary, follows three Finnish hunters through the far northern woods of Lapland as they track, hunt and train an original Father Christmas, Hoho joulusta, for export to other countries. The composer is Jim Dooley and the songs used in the film are "Mystic Tryst" and "Ancient Crystal".
tags: Hamburger Make Up Artistry, food porn, Buy Me That, streaming video This is another video in the Buy Me That series, which is designed to teach kids how to think critically about the television commercials they are constantly bombarded with. In this episode, we see some kids playing with a toy that turns out to be the opposite of what it is advertised to be. Perhaps this video should be required viewing for all kids in the weeks before Christmas?
tags: Women: Don't Drive!, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video More homework. Actually, even though blind agreement with whatever a man tells me is part of my social etiquette homework, I must point out that women are much safer drivers than men, based on miles driven. Better yet, this research was carried out by a man, so it must be true.
tags: Pigeon: Impossible, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, animation, Lucas Martell, streaming video This hilarious video animation tells the story of a rookie secret agent who is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside his multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.