tags: blog carnivals, Writers block, writing
The latest edition of the Writer's Block carnival is now available for your reading pleasure. Even though there's plenty there to read, I think I've cornered their market for book reviews .. go check it out to see what they've got to read!
It is important to me to be included in the book, OpenLab 2007. So I am asking you to help me write a kick-ass essay that will be good enough for this little book. The only reason (I think) that I was included in the inagural edition of this book was because the editor was a great fan of one essay that I wrote. So I need to write another essay that will also be competitive for inclusion in this year's book.
I think the best approach is to rewrite an essay that I've already written or to combine and rewrite several essays on closely related topics that I've already written, but I am asking…
The Scientist has just published an online version of an upcoming print story on their site. This story asks the question, What are your three favorite life science blogs? I noticed that they asked seven men this question (not one woman, hello??!) and predictably, nearly all of the top blogs that they listed were written by .. men!
Quite frankly, I am offended. Are women life science blog writers really second-class citizens, undeserving of recognition and top honors? If you think that women have something of value to say about the life sciences, get on over there and be sure to let the…
tags: books, writing, blog carnivals
For those of you who love to read, the 3 September edition of the Carnival for Literary Junkies is now available. This carnival includes book reviews, literary criticism and some writing as well. It's a nice way to wrap up your farewell to summer.
This makes me think of the old line about fading actors or writers when death brings them renewed attention: "Good career move." My post about leaving Seed's Scienceblogs and the conflict between blogging and more serious work got picked up and pondered by Andrew Sullivan at his Atlantic blogging home, as well as some other blogspots. Apparently this strikes a chord -- dissonant, and apparently in a minor key. It also shot my page-hits up to near-record highs; the only time I got more hits was when I wrote about sex. We won't explore here the possible links between writing about sex and…