Suggest An Essay For Me to Write For OpenLab 2007

It is important to me to be included in the book, OpenLab 2007. So I am asking you to help me write a kick-ass essay that will be good enough for this little book. The only reason (I think) that I was included in the inagural edition of this book was because the editor was a great fan of one essay that I wrote. So I need to write another essay that will also be competitive for inclusion in this year's book.

I think the best approach is to rewrite an essay that I've already written or to combine and rewrite several essays on closely related topics that I've already written, but I am asking you to be the judges: what would you like to read in this book that I have either already written about, or could write about? (Of course, anything that I write as per your suggestions will appear here, too).

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tags: Open Lab 2007, blog books You might remember that one of my essays from 2006 was included in the book, Open Lab 2006. I was lucky because the editor of the book submitted my essay for me, and the judges seemed to like it enough to include it in the final book. Yea, me. Well, this year, I am…
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More than one - with a dozen "judges", your post had to have at least something like 7 votes to get included in the end. You have magnificient posts this year, just dig through the archives.

I, too, was one of the "judges" last year who picked your hummingbird post for inclusion in the anthology... It wasn't one person, and it wasn't a "pity vote." You earned it, because you wrote an outstanding piece, and I'm sure you have written others on a par with it since, as Coturnix said...

Maybe write an essay on Judge Judy's recent amazing commentary about birds



By chardyspal (not verified) on 22 Sep 2007 #permalink

How about an essay about the fauna of Central Park?

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 22 Sep 2007 #permalink

Perhaps an examination of the different sorts of bird coloring -- i.e, discussing diffraction vs. various pigments, dietary and hormonal effects, etc? I seem to recall you did at least part of that (the pigments cs. diffraction) Way Back When....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 22 Sep 2007 #permalink

Surely you should write something about parrots. I very much enjoyed the article about Alex. Though I have never kept birds as pets, I have wondered why exactly people seem so drawn to parrots particularly, and parrots to people. Is there some science there?

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 23 Sep 2007 #permalink