"There could be no fairer destiny for any physical theory than that it should point the way to a more comprehensive theory in which it lives on as a limiting case." -Albert Einstein
Imagine: you've worked hard all your life, through your primary and secondary school education, where you worked hard to get into a good college, through your undergraduate degree, where you found something you were passionate enough about that you wanted to study it even further, and then through graduate school, where you spent half-a-decade or more immersing yourself, non-stop, in an area of research in a field…
Well yes, as is slowly becoming obvious. Deltoid reports USA today (or you can also look at the full Mashey). In the curious world of academe (which I presume Wegman aspires to) plagiarism is a no-no far more serious that just getting the wrong answer; and has the virtue of being fairly easy to spot.
But whilst plagiarism is bad (possibly even fatal) for your academic reputation, it doesn't directly say anything about science, or the validity of conclusions. It is evidence that the author has been sloppy and - in this case - bolsters the argument that the author didn't really understand what…
Time Warp is this Discovery channel show that makes slow motion videos of stuff. Not too bad of a show (although I already talked about the samurai guy and "waves of energy").
Professor splash is this guy that jumps from really high positions and lands in 1 foot of water (and doesn't die). He was on Time Warp last night. If you are interested in this, I did an explanation of how it works in a previous post.
The Physics of Professor Splash's Jump into 1 foot of water
I haven't watched the whole show yet - but I did TiVo it. If there is any thing interesting to analyze, I will post that…
My kids like books. Especially when they are going to bed. I let my daughter pick a book and she picked "Clam-I-am. All About the BEACH" by Trish Rabe. It is nice, it rhymes. The pictures are pretty. Then I get to this page:

So, the ocean is blue because of the sky? How do you get green oceans? How about brown (I live in Louisiana, trust me - the gulf of Mexico can be brown)? What about when you are underwater, everything looks blue. The best answer to why the ocean is blue is that that is what color does…