Lecture: WWJT: 'Who Would Jesus Torture?'

I try to not to be too much of a homer here, especially since moving to ScienceBlogs.com. Instead, I have been running a second blog called Bull City Bully Pulpit for items of local interest that our some of the Terra Sig audience might not care about so much.

But with the university academic year kicking back in and some other stuff happening here of national and even international interest, I may put up a few things from one of the South's most vibrant small cities and best places to live.

I'm also not too much of a political blogger, but the following was just simply too rich not to reproduce here.

From the "Faith and Community Special Events" listings of The Durham (NC, USA) News, a weekly feature of the Raleigh (NC) News & Observer:

A "Who Would Jesus Torture?" presentation based on a formal visit to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, last December by Scott Langley and Sheila Stumph will be given Friday [25 Aug] at 7 p.m. at the Durham Mennonite Church, 603 Lynn Road.

Langley and Stumph are members of the Witness Against Torture March and members of Nazareth House in Raleigh.

The public is invited.

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