Delay on The Friday Fermentable, Curcumin for Cancer, etc.

This other thing called the day job has interfered with my finishing the last bit of the curcumin series (on the piperine/Bioperine bioavailability enhancer) and a new post for The Friday Fermentable. I've also got some biz travel scheduled today, so I hope that gives me some wine and/or beer fodder for next week.

In the meantime, I urge readers interested in herbal remedies for cancer to revisit this week's posts:

Curcumin for Cancer: Part One
Curcumin for Cancer: Part Two

And, for those inclined toward the fruit of the vine, please be sure to read last week's Friday Fermentable by guest-blogger, Erleichda. His reviews of the wines of Virginia and discussion of wine and cheese pairings is still making my mouth water.

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