The Scientist Favorite Life Science Blogs Revisited: Why No Women?

Earlier last week, we appeared as one of the featured bloggers asked to recommend their three, must-read life science blogs in The Scientist. All seven of the bloggers appearing were male; in fact, my avatar is an old German-American man who has been dead for 70 years.

The lack of female bloggers obviously generated some ire among female scibloggers and even I commented on how unusual that seemed.

Well, an editorial explanation has now been posted as an addendum to the article:

Editor note (September 24): A few life science bloggers have correctly pointed out that no female bloggers are represented below. While this is not intentional -- several female bloggers were contacted for the article -- it is regrettable and in no way reflective of our opinions here at The Scientist. Help us to redress any apparent imbalances, whether it be gender, or other lesser-discussed disparities like geographical location and ethnicity, by adding suitable nominations to the growing list below.

So, as I suspected, a larger group of male and female bloggers were indeed asked to respond. However, this was in August and many folks were on holiday. For whatever reason, the seven who replied just happened to be male.

With over 190 comments now posted at The Scientist, this has been a great opportunity for me to learn more about the high-quality science blogs that are out there and a chance to update my blogroll with bloggers, male and female.

And if you feel that female bloggers are underrepresented in The Scientist article, by all means go over to their comment thread and recommend your favorites!

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