One Mundane Reason Why I Like ScienceBlogs

It's not Blogger. From Joe at AmericaBlog:

NOTE: Blogger is down AGAIN. We, like every other blog on Blogger, are only able to post intermittently - literally we're publishing each post a good 50 to 100 times before it shows up. We are frantically trying to launch the new blog, with a new non-Blogger server this week. And for any tech repoters out there, Blogger is lying to you. They're saying if we'd just switch to Blogger Beta everything would be fine. Well guess what - you have to be invited to join Blogger Beta, and haven't been invited, nor has anyone else I know. Not to mention, the fine print tells you that blogs of over a few thousand posts, which is every decent sized blog out there, can't use the beta yet. So basically, Blogger is melting down the week before the elections and Blogger and Google are making excuses. Nice.

When I was invited to join ScienceBlogs, one of the things that made it a no-brainer was that Blogger went kluflooie three days before. Last year, the Google guys each made around a billion dollars. Maybe they should sink some of that cash into Blogger...

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This is one hundredth post since I moved to! Wow - that was fast! And only nine of those are re-published old posts from old blogs. OK, tomorrow at noon will be the second septidieversary (two weeks, OK?) of this blog. Time to take stock again. I got 183 comments in two weeks…
I posted what was to be the last post on this blog yesterday. This morning, in clearing out archives (of stuff that originally appeared on the original site), I accidentally cleared out the most recent 25 posts instead of post 796-821. (Don't ask.) I'll restore the other 23, maybe, at least to one…
We just realized that today is our fifth blogiversary. Young if you are a human, prime of life if you are a dog, but Methuselah if you are a blog. We've not gone dark for a single day in those five years, although on many we've thought about turning off the lights permanently. But we're still here…
If you haven't had a chance to visit the new ScienceBlogs home page, go now. It's got a slew of brand-new features, and we've more than doubled the number of bloggers. What's more, there are now several blogs that are in fields closely related to Cognitive Daily, which have conveniently been…

It's also a pain when I want to re-post something from the old blogs (or even just link to something there) and Blogger is out....