Cancer Research Blog Carnival #13

i-fd82b810864236cf267cf448d58ecede-cancer-research-logo.jpgIt wasn't triskaidekaphobia that kept me from submitting to the Cancer Research Blog Carnival - I just thought I hadn't written a useful cancer post in quite some time.

But thanks to Walter at Highlight Health, our discussion on the relevance of an article on in vitro antileukaemic activity of methadone was included in the proceedings.

Walter also has a very timely message to kick off the carnival:

Everyone knows that cancer is a devastating disease. What many people don't know is that cancer kills more than 1,500 people a day; that's one person every minute. Tonight, Stand Up To Cancer, a one-hour fundraising event, will be simulcast on all three major U.S. networks. The goal of Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is to enable cutting-edge research aimed at finding a cure to all types of cancer and making cancer part of the national debate.

Thank you, Walter, for including us - go on over and see what's been going on in the cancer research blogosphere.

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