Kev Leitch (LeftBrainRightBrain) live-twitters his vasectomy

With tears in my eyes and my head bowed in deep respect, I share with you the account of Kevin Leitch's vasectomy via Twitter:

i-1b6a1b6e73dfd7696214045e7d71bb26-kevleitch.jpgKev is an autism and manic depression advocate in West Midlands, UK, who blogs at LeftBrainRightBrain and was one of my earliest followers on Twitter. (P.S. you can follow me on Twitter at

All Twittering in response, which includes Kev's own tweets, can be found using the hashtag, #kevsnip.

I first learned of his plans via Twitter but he also posted his scheme here. I am largely credited with the first vasectomy liveblog but readers will recall that my Treo 700p didn't render the MovableType blogging platform. So, I had to post in real-time to a discussion forum and then put the entire accumulated account up on the blog. If I had my iPhone, I would have directly live-blogged or Twittered. Kev has a Blackberry Storm which allowed him to Twitter using TwitterBerry.

Kev appears to have had a bit of a complication with his right vas deferens and bled more than the average patient, but he now appears to be home and resting. I send him my warmest best wishes for a quick recovery - please feel free to do so yourself.

I posted on my own procedure back in February largely to get men discussing their concerns and apprehensions, encouraging my brethren to do this as a favor to their wives who suffered far far more in bringing their offspring into this world.

Where do we go from here as an online vasectomy community? Perhaps the real coup de grâce would be to have a physician blogger perform a vasectomy on another science blogger, then have each blog from their perspectives.

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Was coup de grace an intentional bit of humor? Cutting, and all...

By Kathleen F. (not verified) on 08 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thanks mate :)

Complication was very minor but involved blood which is never good from my laymans perspective ;)

Hmm... to the physician (a least I hope so) this is a routine task, nothing to blog about.

As a reader, the VE liveblog is of no use. I'd rather read a summary written after the procedure which is not abbeviated by twitter's 140 char limit.