Extreme brewing

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I just learned of this great post from Southern Fried Science via a tweet from Southern Fried Scientist that was retweeted from Rick MacPherson (Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets). I mention this because my RSS reader is so full of unread posts that Twitter is serving me far better these days by quickly pointing me in the direction of blog posts and articles that would most likely interest me.

The blog is written by Andrew and David - both Southern, both fried, and both smelling of a combination of smoked pork and spiced Low Country shrimp. The blog is characterized as, "The new look of badass marine science on the web" by Deep Sea News and by Rick MacPherson as, "If Sylvia Earle and Andrew Dice Clay produced a love child, it would be Southern Fried Scientist."

Today, or last night actually, SFS posted on "How to brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials commonly found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel." (modestly sized oceanographic research vessel optional).

We're six days into a 2 month expedition, and if we were lucky enough to not be on a dry ship, it's de facto dry by now anyway. You're eying the ethanol stores, the crew is eying each other, and all hell will break loose if we don't get some sweet water soon. This is no time for artistry.

This is not, as a rule, a terribly good beer (though, with a good brewmaster on board, it can be). This is a beer to pass the time. I can guarantee that if you are careful, it will be at least as good as the cheapest commercial alternative.

It's a very clever post and demonstrates how creative a scientist can be when deprived of ethanol.

When they're back on land, I'm driving out to the coast and buying them a beer. Safe travels, mate!

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The blog is written by Andrew and David - both Southern, both fried, and both smelling of a combination of smoked pork and spiced Low Country shrimp.

Sounds like my kind of guys.

Vegemite/Marmite-malted beer - yuck! - even Alabama prisoners can manage a better pruno in their toilet tank...

Anyone who lived in a dry arabic country can confirm that the best home-made quick wine is obtained from chopped raisins or dates, soaked in hot water before the fermentation. Alternatively one can use cut apples stewed with sugar, little orange or lemon peel and some spices (ground cinnamon+ few whole cloves) as a basis for a nice spiced cider. Don't peal or core the apples, just cut them into cubes and simmer for awhile until soft then let cool with the spices, and strain off the apple mush only after the fermentation.

Dried baker's yeast works fine for the quick wine if you don't mind a cloudy product and slightly doughty taste; it all becomes bubbly and rather drinkable within 4 days.