Artificial Biomechanical Exploration Lifeform and Person Hardwired for Accurate Repair, Masterful Battle and Online Yelling

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I got a nice little surprise this week. It turns out that my twitter feed (@Laelaps) was recommended by Scientific American in their latest issue. The scan I have (kindly sent to me by Anne-Marie Hodge) makes the endorsement a little difficult to see, but it simply reads; Brian Switek, science…
Today, as part of our ongoing ScienceBlogger interview series, we bring you a conversation with Brian Switek (aka Future Transitional Fossil) of Laelaps. What's your name? Brian Switek What do you do when you're not blogging? I work for a university-run agriculture project and I'm currently a…
Well, The Day has arrived! The Open Laboratory 2007, the 2nd anthology of the best science blogging of the year, is now up for sale on! Yes, you can buy it right here! In a few weeks (and I will be sure to tell you), the book will also available in online and offline bookstores. You can…
Well, The Day has arrived! After reading all of the 486 entries at least once (and many 2-3 times) and after calculating all of the judges' ratings of all the posts, Reed Cartwright and I are happy to announce which blog posts will be published in the second science blogging anthology, the "Open…