Run, do not walk, to register for ScienceOnline2010


Over the weekend, registration opened for ScienceOnline2010, the fourth annual science communicators conference to be held January 14-17, 2010, in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina.

Please join us for this free (but donations are accepted) three-day event to explore science on the Web. Our goal is to bring together scientists, physicians, patients, educators, students, publishers, editors, bloggers, journalists, writers, web developers, programmers and others to discuss, demonstrate and debate online strategies and tools for doing science, publishing science, teaching science, and promoting the public understanding of science.

Launched by Anton Zuiker, Bora Zivkovic, Paul Jones, and Brian Russell, ScienceOnline began as the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference in January 2007 and was already an international gathering in its first year (very quick descriptions of these fine, young boys here).

As is my habit of just stumbling into things like Forrest Gump, I help out here and there with hotel, food, and a session or two. We were able to secure the same good rate at the headquarters hotel this year ($72/night, $81.90 with taxes) and I'm firming up the Saturday banquet issues. I won't be around for the whole meeting this year but don't let that stop you from coming.

Without going into a huge diatribe, this conference has become as valuable to me personally and professionally as the majority of my research conferences, primarily because of the diverse backgrounds (and utter coolness) of each attendee whose passions converge on the goal of improving science communication.

As of the time of this post, there were 189 registrants for the 225 available slots, then names will be added to a wait list. Last year, I believe it took three weeks for the meeting to fill up and we thought that was fast. Well, I doubt seriously that open registration will see the end of the current week.

Hence, get thee to the registration page posthaste.

Pretty-much-close-to-final program HERE

See who's coming HERE


No, really, I'm not kidding. Don't hate yourself for not signing up: REGISTER HERE!

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Thanks, Colin - I've fixed it. Indeed, it would make better sense for ScienceOnline2010 to be held in 2010.