In the week to come...

Sorry, another one of those really annoying teasers. But, come on, you love it really. Coming later this week...

i-4c9e165539d5ab6f31615de35508b6de-Hyla arborea.jpg

... at long long last, those lost tree frogs...
... proto-narwhals and the case of the beluwhals...




... the amazing social life of the Green iguana...

... and maybe something on feathered theropods. Plus vampire pterosaurs, Piltdown, plethodontids and more. Oh yeah, and, err, rhinogradentians :) Check back soon, there will probably be something new (he says).


More like this

Here's the plan over the next week or so... Australia, land of placentals; more sheep; giant anguids, legless and not; and It's all about me. Amazing social life of green iguanas to be published soon, and what about those long-promised posts on vampire pterosaurs, proto-narwhals, Piltdown,…
During recent weeks, I've written on a couple of occasions about my intention to get through the list of long-promised and nearly-finished articles: they include Amazing social life of the green iguana, Beluwhals and proto-narwhals, more on sebecosuchians, Triassic crurotarsans, Whence the onza,…
Yet again, I am totally snowed (the day job, editorial work, technical consultancy, in-progress manuscripts, etc.) and haven't been able to complete any of the frighteningly long list of articles I am planning to blog: you know, the ones on more sheep, more anguids, Australia: land of placentals,…
Another book with my name on it has just appeared. Again it's a kid's book: Dorling Kindersley's Know It All (Baines 2010) - a fantastically well illustrated, fact-packed encylopedia of everything science (and the successor to the highly successful 2009 Ask Me Anything). It's a multi-authored book…

WATCH This Space
Non-comments about the non-articles to follow (soon, unless, of course, life intervenes)...

Since Darren has long supplied in-depth information and analysis otherwise unavailable to science grazers like myself and, of course to others, I feel it is important that we try to support him by (where necessary) supplying non-comments to his non-articles. LET the non-ness begin...

By MostAnyPod Com… (not verified) on 18 Feb 2007 #permalink

So true. So in this non-comment, I won't tweak Darren about snouters nor will I complain about being teased. I also won't say that any teaser that features a picture of an interesting frog (and aren't they all?) is OK by me.

... and what about astrapotheres and uintatheres?

By Pavel Volkov (not verified) on 19 Feb 2007 #permalink

While I enjoyed the vampire bat series hugely, I'm still eagerly awaiting the rhinograde entry!

By Maureen Lycaon (not verified) on 19 Feb 2007 #permalink

Hallo Darren!

I just sculpted a scabby little hypothetical protonarwhale from a piece of sculpey. I sent you some pictures, perhaps they will inspire your post about monodon-evolution.