Aetosaurs and ethics

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More aetosaurs coming soon. If only I didn't have all this other crap to deal with first.


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We dropped the atomic bomb on japan today (in 1945) and that caused a lot of changes in the world. The idea of a bomb like this was so outrageous that it was actually possible to keep the project secret even though thousands of people worked for months on it, at many different locations. In one…

If only I didn't have all this other crap to deal with first.

You expect us to believe that you have anything in your life besides this blog? Well, this and cryptozoology conferences. I mean, you finished your PhD - what else could there possibly be to do?

Seriously, aetosaurs are highly cool. I'm looking forward to more about them.

I've just found your blog. Very interesting! I've sent the link to Julia Desojo, she's the only person I know that's as interested in aetosaurs as you are :-)