Safe for now in Ohio

DefCon Blog and Tom Sawyer's campaign report that efforts to promote bogus debates in science classes ("Challenge everything" was one supporter's battle cry) have failed for the nonce. Other ideas were debated until time for the debate proposal ran out, but it may still be revived. This is why it's so vital to boot Deborah "Fink" Owens-Fink off the Board, and replace her with someone qualified.

Owens-Fink is the one who wants to challenge everything. Presumably, she envisions children being assigned to teams, one of which would argue for gravity, the other arguing against.

Edited to reflect a small error.

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Actually, it didn't get debated in committee at all -- it was left until last, and after a draft was distributed to the committee the co-chair, Jim Craig, immediately adjourned the committee meeting.

Good point, I misread the stories. Other issues were discussed until time ran out.

Please help us out here in Ohio. Tom Sawyer, a very well respected educator, mayor, and state and federal representative is running against the Dept of Ed's Creationism ringleader who is up for reelection in November. The campaign is just getting started so he is looking for help anywhere he can get it. Please visit his site at to see how you can help bring Ohio back into the age of enlightenment.

Josh -
In the interest of accuracy, even for the excreable, it is Owens-Fink, not Fink-Owens.

A fink by any other name.......

Corrected, and I corrected a typo in your post, also.

Thanks for noticing our problems out here! I am amazed that this woman can derail the train of educational progress so often. It's pitiful that this creationist nonsense is discussed by the board, but using that as an excuse to avoid work on real issues (like improved school funding) is downright destructive. As you say, the key is to defeat her this November. We'll take all the help we can get - look for ideas at