Republicans in Kansas: a dying breed

As a retiring Republican state legislator endorses a Democrat to replace him, conservative activists go on the attack.

Hack Republican commentator and former Party County Chair John Altevogt whines: "It doesn’t matter. I've never had any use for Ray Cox. It would please me greatly if he would become a Democrat. I didn’t have any use for him when I was chair of the party up here. In fact, we tried to get him beat several times."

"Good riddance to bad rubbish," he added. "Sometimes you have to experience temporary losses to make long-term gains."

This is why observers see a likely swing of power towards Democrats in Kansas. The Republican party would rather lose than allow dissent from within.

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Ya think? I'll believe it when Kansas sends a Democratic to the Senate, something that hasn't happened in my lifetime. Until then, it's idle speculation.

I think you may be correct in a sense, but the major animating force behind the GOP currently is the Christian right, and the Christian right is not quite synonymous with the GOP.

Indeed, Christian right ideology is starting to colonize the Democratic Party. The movement can make advances through influence within either party.

I agree, Bruce, that the Christian Right animates, energizes and potentially splits the Ks GOP. If the GOP is divided, and if the Dems field a superb candidate (Sebilius), there may be an opportunity. This hasn't happened with any regularity in Kansas nor is it a discernible trend. Generally, I'm an opponent of wishful thinking. This discussion qualifies, although it's hardly pernicious.

Amazing how small the WingNuts have made that "Big Tent"