Ryun sticks fingers in ears, says everything is super

In a debate on a local radio show, Jim Ryun reminds us again why it's important to replace him:

Asked by a caller what the candidates would do about global warming, Ryun said: “Much of the global warming issue has been overplayed. We need to work with sound science,” he said.

Boyda responded: “If you’re going to say global warming is a myth, then everything is going well in Iraq. We need to deal with reality.”

Exactly right. Jim Ryun is from the Inhofe school of climate change denialists.

In the real world, science is telling us a different story. The Proceedings of the National Academies of Science has a paper by James Hansen, et al., that summarizes what we know, and if Ryun read the first sentence he'd be singing a different tune: "Global surface temperature has increased ~0.2°C per decade in the past 30 years, similar to the warming rate predicted in the 1980s in initial global climate model simulations with transient greenhouse gas changes."

Ryun is a parrot. He votes the party line, and repeats whatever absurd talking points are being fed to him. Nancy Boyda is an independent voice, that's her blessing and her curse. She has training as a scientist and she understands how to use the scientific method and mindset in addressing real problems, and I'd like to see her win this November. Give whatever you can.

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I didn't vote for him last time, and he gives no reason for me to change my mind this time around. Every time I write to him voicing my concerns, he writes back his disagreement, and then has god bless me. I guess I know who he's working for.

I've already given to Ms. Boyda's campaign, and wish her the best of luck. I owe her one yard sign plot and one vote, which are due in the next few weeks.

VOTE BOYDA FOR A CHANGE! [/shameless plug]

By stillwaters (not verified) on 02 Oct 2006 #permalink

Things about Ryun that bother me:

The one-time track star introduced legislation (on behalf of the "property rights" people who feel that a deal made in 1870 should be honored today, but not ones made slightly earlier with the Native Americans) to dismantle the rail-banking program. This essentially proves that his concerns about energy are hollow and self-serving; transporting goods by train is vastly more energy-efficient than trucks, and are flexible: diesel/electric, nukes electrifying the rails, external combustion with coal, wood, etc. Additionally, recreational trails are precious things; encouraging physical activity in an obese nation seems sensible.

After a good friend died in a car wreck, Ryun's son mentioned to me that he felt my friend hadn't made it into heaven. Aside from being incredibly insensitive and self-righteous, it tells me that the Ryun family has no problem judging others, despite Jesus's admonishment to do otherwise.

Ryun was invited to talk to my junior high in the late 80s, about his life and track career. He used the opportunity to tell us that we must be "born again." Clearly, he didn't give a shit then about separation of church and state, and he doesn't now. He'll use his influence to cram religion and religious doctrine down our throats (gay marriage, abortion, etc.)

Ryun's children attended Lawrence High School while living outside USD 497's boundaries in Jefferson County. I don't believe this was an accident- JeffCo is known for being low-tax, something Bible Thumpers seem to love more than Jesus.

I was present while one of Ryun's children badgered a local businessman (typically known for his generosity) for money to fund his "mission trip" to the beleaguered people of Australia. I wish I had been smart enough to be a part of "mission trips" so I could have visited down under. Then again, I doubt my name would have carried the same weight...