Poor timing

This week seems like the wrong time to write a pro-ID post titled "ID guys aim directly at youth." We've seen what it looks like to "aim directly at youth." IDolator O'Leary writes:

In a long-awaited move, the intelligent design guys are attempting an end run around the interminable school board controversies by appealing directly to young people.

Can ID can compete with X-boxes and text messages about edgy TV?

Maybe. Young people love excitement. As long as YOU are not the person who is about to lose your tenure, job, teaching position, or access to lab facilities and specimens - the ID controversy is fun and exciting. Even if you are, it is still esciting ...

"Give us your young people . . ., " ID math maven Bill Dembski intones, ironically.

Just poor timing, nothing more.

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Yes, he does resemble Mark Foley... the same look, crazed stare... I can just see Buffalo Bill typing away, IMing his young converts... Bwa-HaHa!

These guys is Nutz!