Like fish in a barrel

I doubt that the research that produced Nobel prizes in Chemistry and Medicine/Physiology cost $4 million combined. I don't really know for sure, but some of the most fundamental discoveries cost quite little to make.
I point this out only because the DI's "Mr. Suave" aka Rob Crowther, is bragging that the "Discovery Institute Has Put Over $4 Million Towards Scientific and Academic Research into Evolution and Intelligent Design in the Past Decade":

“In 1996, it was almost impossible to receive funding to do scientific research related to intelligent design,” says Bruce Chapman, President of Discovery Institute.…

“So we started the Center, and now, just ten years later, we’ve put over $4 million directly into scientific and scholarly research on intelligent design and evolution.”

And what did that $4 million buy them? No original research. They still lack a theory of ID, so whether or not you have funding, it remains impossible to actually do research on ID.

Yes, that money has bought them conferences, and has paid for books to be published. But if the NSF spent $4 million on a research program that had as little to show for it as the DI can show for their money, Congress would be holding serious hearings into that mismanagement of funds.

Odd that the DI would be bragging about this.

Incidentally, their recent PR blitz on this point, especially tacked onto an ad for a $100 a plate dinner, suggests that the DI's failures in court and lab are hurting their bottom line. Tack on the recently created "Discovery Society," another effort to extract cash from gullible IDolators, and it's hard to come to any other conclusion.

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The Society will provide you with resources and learning opportunities that will equip you to spread the word.

As a member of the Society you will be asked to make an annual contribution of $300 or more. New Society members will receive a free DVD or video, plus additional materials to help inform you, your friends and others.

Are you sure this isn't a Comedy Central Daily Show bit?
I like the "Spread the word" line... not too f*9*ing religious is it!?

And how about the "Free DVD or video" - Only costs you $300!

This is quite the cash cow for them, I mean for Christ, I mean for science, isn't it?