We can only hope

Sam Brownback writes in a fundraising email:

"Everything our party has achieved in the past six years is at risk of being lost in just one day."

Alas, 655,000 Iraqis and 2787 coalition soldiers cannot be brought back to life even if Democrats win the House and the Senate.

New Orleans will not be rebuilt or repopulated in a day. People who've given up on even looking for new jobs won't get hired in a day, nor will the millions of people without health insurance sort that out in a day.

The federal scientists whose research on threatened and endangered species has been blocked and underfunded will need more than a day to get the answers we as a society need. And the nuclear genie that Bush let out of the bottle in North Korea and Iran won't go back overnight, if ever.

But I appreciate that Brownback is trying to cheer us up.

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