Bush to bail out Ryun, Boyda surging

The Capital Journal reports:

High-ranking Republican officials said Monday the president would most likely be in Kansas on Sunday.

"We would welcome him with open arms," said Jeffrey Black, campaign manager for U.S. Rep. Jim Ryun, R-Kan. "What an amazing opportunity to rally Kansans together."

Unfortunately for Ryun, they'll be rallying behind Nancy Boyda. Because the President isn't so popular any more, even in Kansas.

Black said a visit by Bush, if it materializes, would build momentum for the entire slate of GOP candidates.

"The Republicans are not worried about Jim Ryun," Black said.

No, I bet the President is coming out to stump only for candidates he isn't worried about. Yeah, that's it. I bet he's coming to a state where 57% of people disapprove of the job he's doing, a state where a popular Democratic governor is about to get re-elected, where even $1.5 million dollars from a Washington PAC won't save Phill Kline from Paul Morrison, because it just seems fun. That's probably why Dick Cheney came out to raise funds for Ryun.

This puts Nancy Boyda in a great position. National polls show that voters tend to see their vote as much as anything to be a vote against President Bush. Which makes comments like this an easy way to remind voters why they shouldn't vote for Jim Ryun:

Boyda said appearances by Bush and Cheney meant Ryun was politically vulnerable.

"You've got three peas in a pod," Boyda said. "I'm pretty sure I'm not invited."

Meanwhile, I'm told that a new internal poll shows Nancy Boyda outside the margin above Jim Ryun. DCCC ads, an aggressive grassroots strategy and endorsements by prominent veterans have all pushed her closer to victory. Go vote, and help her fix Washington.

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