At least he didn't call them stupid

Majority Leader John Boehner, fresh from offering to beat John Kerry to death if he doesn't apologize for calling the President stupid, tells CNN:

Let’s not blame what’s happening in Iraq on Rumsfeld, the generals on the ground are in charge.

Does anyone honestly think that whoever would become Majority Leader in a Democratic House would say anything so foolish?

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Actually, talking about Pelosi as Speaker of the House is just fine with me. She could hardly do a worse job than DeLay's puppet from Illinois.

But that is off topic. What really galls me is not that Boehner or Hastert or W or Cheney or Limbaugh et al are so "stupid", but that they are such hypocrites. It is just sickening to hear W and Dick, parroted by the above tribe, castigate ANYBODY who has served in combat as unpatriotic, when it is a fact that they did everything they could to avoid combat. If the country falls for that sort of hypocrisy again, there really is no hope.

As the bumber sticker said, the difference between Vietnam and Iraq is that Bush had a plan for getting out of Vietnam. It's true, and it's disgusting.

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

"Diane," Pelosi will be the Speaker of the House, the position currently occupied by Denny "Pedophile Protector" Hastert. Not that that addresses any of the points I was making.