Grab three friends, toss them in your car, go to your polling place, and vote.
I have my preferences: Sebelius, Morrison, Moore, Boyda, Wempe, Weiss, Runyan, Cauble, Bill Shirley, Paul Davis, Barbara Ballard, Tom Holland, Cindy Neighbor, Raj Goyle, Marty Keenan, Dennis Phillips.
But hey, I understand if you disagree (or don't live in Kansas where any of those races matter). My first priority is that you vote. Nothing will change unless people show up and the polls and elect people who will change things.
As an incentive to vote for my choices (or your local Democratic Congressional candidates), I promise to stop writing about politics until the New Year if Democrats win the House and Senate.
So take your three friends and go vote at least once.
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As they say in Chicago, vote early and often.