Kris Kobach strikes out

The Pitch has a nice piece on Kris Kobach, examining his ongoing role in a racist anti-immigrant group, his failed campaign for Congress, the reversals of the policies he pushed while at the Justice Department, and controversy surrounding his classes at the UMKC law school. The piece, and frankly his career, can be summarized by this comment:

"Everything he does has been a failure, except for looking very good and sounding very good and having an amazing résumé," Mdivani says.

Mdivani is an immigration lawyer who points out that advice he has given in legislative hearings is so wrong that she would be disbarred for giving it to her clients.

Nonetheless, Kobach will be teaching a course in immigration law this semester. While teaching it, he will, apparently, be running for Kansas GOP chairman.

No post about Krazy Kris Kobach is complete without a look back at our series on his ties to racist groups from 2004.

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