Maybe if we don't talk about it?

Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, both of whom have expressed concerns about the future of George and Dick's excellent adventure in Iraq, voted against debate on a non-binding resolution opposing the escalation of that conflict. This, despite Brownback's opposition to that escalation, and his belief that it will have disastrous consequences.

Similarly, Pat Roberts has expressed support for escalation right now, but declared that things would have to turn around by August 2 or he would begin to question our occupation of Iraq. Indeed, I seem to recall him already saying that he would not have voted for the war if he knew what he knows now. A debate over those non-binding resolutions would seem like a good opportunity for him to take a clear stand. Ah, well.

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Excellent john cleese reference, KWP.

By freestatetownie (not verified) on 07 Feb 2007 #permalink