Return of the KKK

i-bb4d54c94022596fbce1863ef9179944-KKKrally.jpgThe ADL reports that the recent focus on immigration has revived many local KKK organizations. Modern Klan members don't wear bedsheets, but dress like skinheads. The ADL's slideshow suggests that the sheets are reserved for special occasions.

The KKK, though famous for its hatred of African-Americans, has always been anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic. Lynchings of Mexicans in the US were common throughout the 19th and early 20th century, occurring at rates only slightly lower than the rate of lynching among African-Americans. It's small wonder, then that lynched Mexican immigrants have been turning up along the border. The violent and eliminationist rhetoric of vigilantes like the Minutemen have undoubtedly played into this resurgence of the KKK and its tactics.

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if you know of a klan in unit any where around fort riley i am a member of hareson ark.looking for a unit closer.thanks

By lonnieforeman (not verified) on 11 Feb 2009 #permalink