"The best he could come up with"

IDolator Denyse O'Leary quotes Frank Pastore. Can you figure out who the target is, and why it wouldn't be equally applicable to the ID movement?:

He wanted some of that Da Vinci Code action so badly that he jumped on a 27 year old story line .... He ignored so many early warning signs, too. When he was having trouble early on finding A, B, or even C list "scientific experts" who were willing to throw their careers away if they would only validate his silly theories - and they all continued saying no - he didn't let that slow him down one bit. He pressed on and signed the minor league guys. And later, when the best he could come up with for his advance publicity hook was to claim statistically similar names and unrelated DNA samples [call it specified complexity] - He still didn't pull the plug

You might think this is a reference to Billy Dembski. After all, Billy has used the Da Vinci Code in his own writing. And he can't seem to get more than D list "scientific experts" to endorse his crazy ideas, which hasn't discouraged him, either. And all he really has to run with is a nonsensical argument about statistical similarity between a flagellum and a boat motor. But he presses on.

Of course, "Buy my Book" O'Leary is not biting the hand that feeds her, she is criticizing James Cameron's claim that he has DNA evidence of the existence of Jesus, a claim that no one seems to take very seriously.

At least we know she has some standards. If only they were applied consistently.

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