They can keep him

Mousie Cat writes:

our Ken-doll of the Religious Right is headed for big things

So many options on who that could be. Sam Brownback? Fred Phelps? Jerry Johnston?

None of them seems likely to reach higher office, thankfully.

No, just little old Ken Willard, hero of the creationist board of education members. He's unlikely to lose to a write-in candidate for the presidency of the National Association of State Boards of Education.

If tradition holds, he'll drive out the qualified staff, insulting them and denigrating them until they get the hint. Then he'll install some unqualified hack with no educational experience, who will make it easy for him to twist and pervert the normal processes of the organization.

If tradition hold.

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The NASBE is composed of big men and women, not children.

They can choose to follow Willard or not. A leader with no followers is powerless.

If the members of the NASBE choose to follow Willard then they have no complaint, nor do any of us, with the outcome.

If NASBE fails to serve the academic community, then just shut it down and make another one that works.