DonorsChoose goodness

Many of us here at Scienceblogs are participating in this effort to raise funds for teachers who have good ideas about how to improve education. The projects I'm promoting (in the sidebar), aim to get kids out into nature and nature into the classroom. I hope you'll help these teachers out by giving what you can.

To encourage donations, I've gotten the NCSE to donate a bunch of lovely bumper stickers to the first 20 donors, and now our corporate overlords at Seed are offering an added incentive. Not only have they matched the first $15,000 that our readers donate, they've also kicked in an iPod nano, 21 Seed t-shirts, 21 subscriptions to the excellent magazine, and 9 copies of the anthology The Best American Science Writing 2007 (Best American Science Writing) by Gina Kolata, Jesse .

To get a chance at those fabulous prizes, you need only do two things.

1. Donate money to a project selected by any of the fine bloggers here at Scienceblogs. Preferably the ones I picked.

2. Forward the email receipt you received to

That's it. You'll help a dedicated teacher improve her/his students' education, and you'll get a shot at some fine swag, and a chance to improve your own education. There will be drawings for the prizes on the 16th, 23nd, and 30th, so get your donations in soon.


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