Lend a hand to Chris Comer

Chris Comer, fired last November for having the temerity to think that the Texas Education Agency's Director of Science Curriculum might be allowed to tell people about a talk about why intelligent design isn't science, is going through a rough patch. Her politically motivated ouster has made it hard for her to find new employment in Texas (at least within her chosen career path), and she's asking for a little help from the pro-science community while she puts together her finances.

If you wish to contribute, you can send a donation of whatever amount to Chris's PayPal account. Go to PayPal.com, click on the "send money" button, and put chris.comer@live.com in the "To" box. For those of you who would prefer to send a check, make it payable to Chris Comer and send it to Chris Comer, c/o NCSE, 420 40th Street, Suite 2, Oakland CA 94609, and NCSE will forward it to her. This is not a donation to NCSE; this is not tax deductible.

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