
Poll workers this morning said turnout was high. At 8:30, I was the 74th voter of the day.

Great weather, which I suspect will help Hillary, but there's no way to know until this evening. If my sense that Hillary voters tend not to feel strongly, then good weather helps her. If my sense is right that undecideds will break for Obama, but may not decide until standing in the voting booth, good weather could help Obama. Maybe it's a push.

Zogby's last polling sample puts Obama way up in California, but SUSA's last poll has Hillary way up. SUSA's polls have tended to favor Hillary, and Zogby has tended to favor Obama, so again, it may be a push.

Obama does seem to be winning the small donor primary, raking in more than twice what Clinton raised in January. He's consistently taken in more of his money from small donors, which means he'll know he owes his victory to the people, not to a handful of moneyed interests.

It'll be an interesting night. I intend to be at the SF Obama celebration/consolation watch party tonight, and I look forward to seeing you there as well. Vote, then head over.

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