Blogospheric responses to the Biden pick

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Just to add some more to yesterday's numbers and links on the Iowa caucuses, which just shows that if you get all your news from the MSM, especially the TV, you are not just woefully uninformed, but criminally misinformed. Take your time this weekend to read up on these: Sara Robinson: 2008: A…
M. LeBlanc: Playing Cards Melissa McEwan: For the Record Echidne: Why Vote For Obama? and Well Worth Reading Neil Sinhababu: TEN GOOD REASONS FOR AN OBAMA/EDWARDS TICKET.... Amanda Marcotte: Feminists: Not really stupid Pam Spaulding: Mike Signorile tries to bore into the 'if not Hillary, I'm…
Under the fold.... Senator to president: A new day: But is it a good thing for senators to be frozen out of the process? Though governors may make better candidates, it's not clear that they're well prepared to deal with the complex mix of personalities and parliamentary procedures that will decide…
John McCain is in trouble. Public polling has shifted toward Obama, and Obama's larger donor base allowing him to outspend McCain in traditional Republican strongholds like Indiana. With Colorado and New Mexico in play out west, and a good chance that Obama will take Nevada, too, traditional…