Billy Dembski complains about Dinesh D’Souza's handling of ID, then adds:
I encourage anyone who has personal contact with him to provide him with better information. A point of leverage is that D’Souza presumably wants Christians, many of whom support ID, to buy his book.
To be clear, then, Dembski's position is that D'Souza ought to abandon a carefully considered intellectual position in order to boost his book sales. (Note that I no more endorse the notion that D'Souza's position is carefully considered than I endorse the idea that it is intellectual.)
To rephrase, Dembski thinks that conservative authors ought to lie in order to sell more books.
Is it possible he's projecting?
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Even though the full article by D'Souza contains some pretty egregious howlers, the portion that Dembski quoted was pretty much on the money. And true to form, Dembski shrieks and gnashes his teeth, handwaving away such criticisms as being "propaganda".
Dembski has become such an irrelevant fool that it's just pathetic.
Not projecting, just framing!
Why do you bother to give either one of these fools notice? Shouldn't they both just be ignored until they grow up? Oh, I know, there is a certain segment of the population that pays attention to them, but WE don't need to add to their fame, do we.