McCain, 100 years of Iraq, and the wrong year to stop shooting heroin

The braintrust at conservative blog RedState is fed up with people complaining about John McCain's enthusiasm for a century more of our awesome Iraqi adventure. Sure, when McCain was asked if he minded 50 more years in Iraq, he responded "make it 100," and sure that'd mean 20 times the devastation to that nation and to our military. But RedState sees it through a different lens:

Clearly McCain was talking about a peace time standing presence ... Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan.

That's right, folks, the South is an occupied territory. We Northerners are just holding the Southern states as colonies. This is your modern conservative movement, hard at work. One day, the South will rise again, stupid, racist and ornery as ever. Until then, they can stop pretending that they're a client state of the rich, smart Yankees, and pretend to be happy that the Union was preserved. One day, we can hope they'll even be glad that slavery ended.

It's going to be a looooong year.

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Unfortunately, living in Texas, I've discovered that there are people who actually do believe that. They even rewrite history books in an effort to make their delusions reality.

That's not by any means RedState's most ridiculous "lens". You should (or perhaps not, for sanity's sake) read what they have to say on Global Warming. "Shocking. Positively shocking."

Am I the only one who's worried that there are so many people who see it as a "defense" of McCain's statement to proclaim that he doesn't understand the difference between Germany, Korea, and Iraq? What's all this "experience" supposed to gain us if he can't tell one war from another?

Long year indeed...