Dishonest Discoer dissembles

David Klinghoffer complains about responses to his Hitler-praising column. He links to this blog four times, despite the fact that I only wrote about him twice (three times once I post this). His complaint:

By these Darwinist propagandists, it is asserted that I agree that “Hitler was right about the Jews,” … Not a bit of which is remotely true. Obviously.

Obviously, I was simply responding to Klinghoffer's claim that "Hitler understood something about Judaism that even many Jews today don’t grasp," that "Hitler’s insight into Judaism [is] … a profound theme in rabbinic literature," and to his praise for Hitler's "fascination with and knowledge of Judaism."

So I think it was fair of me to say that Klinghoffer was claiming that Hitler was right about the Jews. If he wants to clarify his garbled argument, he's free to do so. But if he wants to accuse people of lying, it would help if he could point to actual falsehoods. As far as what I wrote, he hasn't done so.

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