Palin-genesis speaks

I haven't seen Sarah Palin's speech, but reviews seem pretty negative. ABC's Jake Tapper reports:

The Detroit Free Press invited a panel of Michigan voters to weigh in on Gov. Sarah Palin's speech last night. Their reactions run the gamut, but the independents didn't seem to care for her very much.

Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent: "Her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin's experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in chief.”

Mike Kosh, 38, West Bloomfield independent: “The way it looks to me, she's the Republican vice presidential nominee for one reason: Because Hillary wasn't selected.”

George Lentz, 66, Southfield independent: “I was completely underwhelmed. She was a Republican novelty act with a sophomoric script. It was not even a speech I would expect for someone running for the local PTA, much less for vice president.”

Diane Murphy, 42, Sterling Heights independent: “It appears that once she makes up her mind, that is the end of it. We live in a gray world, not every answer is black and white.”

Jan Wheelock, 58, Royal Oak independent: “Nothing worked for me. I found her barrage of snide remarks and distortions to be a major turnoff. She is not a class act. The most important point she made is that she will be an effective attack dog.”

Yep, attack politics. From the campaign which once said:

We don't want to talk about [Obama's] patriotism and character. We concede that he's a patriot and person of good character.

Then again, it's also the campaign that said "This election is not about issues."


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Jerome Armstrong, MyDD:

... I watched the TV speeches tonight in full, and have just one word.


We have met someone that we will be doing battle against for a decade or more. Seriously. I've never seen a woman, or a man for that matter, speak that way, prime time, national, convention, live, ever. She blows away Hillary Clinton. ...

Palin captured the GOP's heart and flag tonight. ...

Romney? Huckabee? Giuliani? Amateurs all. ... Anyone that thinks McCain could have chosen better than Palin, among the GOP ranks, is on drugs."

I listened to it. While I personally didn't like it, I suspect it will be well-received by the base and "low-information" swing voters.