
The inimitable DaveScot, lord of Billy Dembski's blog, thinks that "Public Interest in Global Warming [has] Evaporate[d]."

I've added an item to his graph:

By this same standard, you'd find a decline in interest in gravity, which has generated almost identical number of searches as global warming over the same time span.

I have relatively few nice things to say about what happens at Uncommon Descent, but at least they keep me laughing.

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Just for the heck of it, I posted the following in the Uncommon Descent comment section: "Hey, how about everybody setting aside the Democratic editors this, and the Democratic editors that, and all similar rhetoric? If a majority of newspaper editors ARE liberal (not saying they are, mind you), then it can equally be said that the majority of radio talk show hosts are conservative, as are the majority of newspaper publishers.

Why not stick to the issues for a change?"

By Involved1 (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink