Do they really want to play this game?

Having been mocked for claiming global warming is being rejected by a standard which would also make gravity a theory in crisis, DaveScot is going back to the same well, claiming that ID is winning the battle because it has more people searching for it than made up terms like "theological evolution."

If we use actual terms in common use, the results are a bit different:


Red: Evolution
Blue: Intelligent design
Orange: Creationism

Note that search volume for Creationism has exceeded that for Intelligent Design over the last few months.

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Can you give a reference for this figure ? Or at least a larger version ? I would like to show this to a few people.

Nevermind - duh. That is what happens when you try to read a coherent blog too soon after teaching a freshmen level class. Next thing you know I will be asking you how many questions are on the test.

Relative percentages of supporting data in peer-reviewed scientific research papers:

Evolution: 100%
Intelligent design: 0%
Creationism: 0%

Still waiting, cdesign proponentsists....

"Next thing you know I will be asking you how many questions are on the test."

There is a test!?!? How come nobody tells me these things? Man I am so screwed.

And, just so I know what to expect, how many questions will be on this test?

OMG!!! Google is in on the conspiracy to silence IDiots!!! They aren't just being excluded from schools, they are being excluded from the intertubes!@!