Your Republican party

Beating up people with questions:

Raising Kaine explains that:

On Friday, two [Democratic challenger Judy] Feder staffers approached Congressman Wolf in a public location to ask him some questions. Two different individuals who were accompanying Congressman Wolf (staffers? relatives? friends?) assaulted the Feder staffers, as you can see quite clearly in the video. The first Feder staffer was hit with a cane and then punched. The second staffer (as you will see on the video) was pinned to a wall and forcibly held there. All of this took place in the presence of Congressman Wolf, who stood by and did nothing to intervene.

Feder and Wolf have a long-running dispute over whether Wolf in fact supports McCain's plan to eliminate employer-based health insurance and replace it with a $5000 tax credit. Wolf seems to favor it, but won't suggest how it will be paid for.

The tension seems to have gotten to Wolf and his aides. This joins incidents like the slashing of 30 cars' tires at an Obama rally among the rising tide of violence directed against Democrats. Last week, a McCain supporter claimed to have been attacked because of her McCain bumper sticker, but has since confessed that it was a hoax.

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Left with very few arguments that the public will swallow, many Republicans have started imitating Red Scares of the past and are accusing Democrats of being unamerican.

This... this is unamerican.

WTF?!? Where's the assaults? I just some people walking and talking...

By DoppelFrog (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Um, yeah, where did the assaults go? I just saw slipshod camera work. C'mon! I wanted to see a little action!

An incident, involving a Democrat...

An listen to the whoop!!

Your lily clean DNC says nothing about how often it has been happening to Republicans...

Very little about 'hanging in effigy'... (unless some one did it to the 'less than acurately speaking' (said of them by their own campaign manager when truth was rubbed so hard in his face... he admitted Obama mis-spoke on his infanticide record... but never apologized for calling private citizens liars... and HE WAS LYING!~!)


Not a word about how the DNC directly caused the current economic woes (Fannymae run by someone who ripped it for a personal check of $87 million not finance manager for Obama... Press couldn't find that out... amazing... Frank's live-in boyfriend working for FannyMay (in apartment he didn't know had a gay hooker service in basement... Nothing about that...)

Wow... Media... not in bed with Obama?? Not an extension of the DNC??


nothing like that...

An incident, involving a Democrat...

An listen to the whoop!!

Your lily clean DNC says nothing about how often it has been happening to Republicans...

Very little about 'hanging in effigy'... (unless some one did it to the 'less than acurately speaking' (said of them by their own campaign manager when truth was rubbed so hard in his face... he admitted Obama mis-spoke on his infanticide record... but never apologized for calling private citizens liars... and HE WAS LYING!~!)


Not a word about how the DNC directly caused the current economic woes (Fannymae run by someone who ripped it for a personal check of $87 million not finance manager for Obama... Press couldn't find that out... amazing... Frank's live-in boyfriend working for FannyMay (in apartment he didn't know had a gay hooker service in basement... Nothing about that...)

Wow... Media... not in bed with Obama?? Not an extension of the DNC??


nothing like that...

Perhaps if you weren't pricks about it, he may have answered you. But I get it. If he gets mad, its: "Oh look how this republican got angry!" If he doesn't, its: "Oh look how this republican doesn't care."

Actually, nothing is more American than beating the crap out of somebody who pisses you off.

What is unamerican is laying down and taking it.

By Luther Cromwell (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Perhaps if you weren't pricks about it, he may have answered you. But I get it. If he gets mad, its: "Oh look how this republican got angry!" If he doesn't, its: "Oh look how this republican doesn't care."

Actually, nothing is more American than beating the crap out of somebody who pisses you off.

What is unamerican is laying down and taking it.

By Luther Cromwell (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Who thinks a hand on the camera is a beating? Jeez.. get over it nancy boy.

More Republican terrorists. Lets hope these Republican traitors to america get whats coming to them in next weeks elections.

What a let down. I was expecting way more the way this video is being pushed. There isn't even enough on this video to rise to the level of criminal charges. Next time you advertise a 'beating up' you should actually show video of someone being beaten up.

What a load!

Where's the beating?

I say that we flip that tables give the republicans a good beating over this damn mess where in. Dont hold back dems, just knock em out.

By judge dredd (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

"Actually, nothing is more American than beating the crap out of somebody who pisses you off."

Wrong. What's American is elected officials answering questions from their constituents, not trying to silence them with assault.

At least they didn't taze the guy like at that Kerry speech.

AT judge dredd:

Sure...blame the republicans for the mess we're in, call them unamerican...have you forgotten that the Congress is controlled by Dem's right now? Obama will only make things worse with his tax plan...his taxing of the "rich" will cause massive layoffs, as companies will not be immune to this...I like having a job, and take pride in being able to provide for my family, unlike Obama fanatics who like gov't handouts, and "free" health care...the nationalized health system in the UK works great right? what, it's broken to?? well, OMG news to me! OBAMA IS THE ANTI-CHRIST, and will get us in a worse financial position than the one we're currently in...McCain isn't any better, not by a long shot but at least he's not hiding his past...Obama still hasn't proven that he's elligable to RUN for president...forget about not being ready to lead, he may not be ABLE to lead, because he may not be a full citizen of the US he won't unlock his personal history...

I'm done talking to brick walls now...

AT moron:
The republicans are to blame. They are the ones who let CDO's be sold willy nilly, which caused the subprime feeding frenzy. they are the ones that appointed burnanke who raised interest rates up and up. And when housing prices fell, with AMR loans high because of bernanke, the subprime market crumbled. HE REFUSED TO OPEN THE DISCOUNT WINDOW. He failed to act. When CDO's collapsed, credit collapsed. when credit collapsed, so did the whole market.

You dumb ass republican don't know your head from a hole in the ground and you drove this country into the ditch.

Why don't you stop being lap dogs for the rich and pull your heads out of your asses. They will never help you one bit. Good god, help yourselves.

By judge dredd (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink