The sound of silence

Martin Cothran, bigoted Disco. Inst. blogger and staffer with the Kentucky affiliate of Focus on the Family, is very worried. Having pitched a hissyfit when his bigotry was called bigotry, he is now worried about What McCarthy would do if he were gay. He does this without any jokes at all about Roy Cohn:

That sound you hear may be goosestepping from the Tolerance Police. Now someone has posted a "blacklist" of individuals and businesses that contributed to the effort to pass Proposition 8. If a conservative did this, they would be skewered.

That silence you hear is the media completely ignoring this.

Just as they largely ignored the blackmail efforts of the Yes on 8 campaign (see also).

Proposition 8 Blackmail Letter

And while we're making a list of people who have a list: the California Secretary of State seems to know who has been naughty and who has been nice. The San Francisco Chronicle (via the AP) has a more easily searchable database.

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Waaaait a minute... Aren't these the same pack of fanatics that want to boycott Disney, Teletubbies, any television station that shows gay people to be anything more than monsters?

I'll admit, it's been a really really long time since I read any religious texts, but I have to say that I don't remember "The largest throne of heaven goes to the biggest hypocrite." in any of them.
You'd never guess it from the way these people act, though.

By JThompson (not verified) on 13 Nov 2008 #permalink

I love your take-downs of Cothran, but I worry that taking him too seriously is the equivalent of letting Creationists pick debate formats: merely deigning to respond (rather than mock) his positions gives them a credibility they don't deserve.

A friend of mine told me that an executive-level employee at Seagate contributed a few thousand dollars to Yes on Prop 8. I'm now only buying hard drives from other manufacturers.

I'd certainly like to know if any other large consumer brands have contributed to the Yes on 8 (or the Arizona and Florida equivalents). I don't give money to hate-mongers or their sugar daddies.

I certainly can join in boycotting. I'll just boycott those who rolled over for this extortion. This sort of thing was supposed to have disappeared with McCarthy and the "red scourge". I guess it's nice to know that its not only KS with backwards brainless nutcases.