Shorter Uncommon Descent

At the home of top IDolator Bill Dembski, some other IDolator writes a post best summarized as:

Exaptation proves ID.

No, really. Actual quote:

While the article does not directly address the implications for Darwinism of the existence of “latent” or “preexisting” evolutionary potential, the impossibility of fitting this concept into the standard neo-Darwinian paradigm is obvious.

If only someone had come up with a term like exaptation to describe the situation in which selection acts on features which originally evolved in a very different context in response to new challenges.

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Well, doesn't everything evolve from something? The example in the link above says that feathers for flight is an exaptation of feathers for insulation. But insulating feathers evolved from scaly skin which allowed for life away from water and on and on. Maybe I'm just not clear on the nuance.

Well of course exaptation proves ID. Everything proves ID. Everything is how the designer dunnit! QED.