Deep thought

Sarah Palin is utterly batshit.

Look, I can see not running for reelection: she wants to run for president in 2012.

That alone is pretty dumb, since she was less popular than John McCain, and McCain/Palin couldn't beat Obama in 2008. In 2012, all signs suggest we'll have national health insurance and a growing economy, so why would anyone pick Palin to ruin it?

But she wants to run in 2012. Fine. Why resign from office now? She doesn't want to be a lame duck? Fine, then why stay in office for a month? I mean, her official resignation will happen on my birthday, which is thoughtful of her, but still, she's quacking and limping.

Furthermore, she hasn't really been doing a lot as governor anyway. With all the feuding and fighting for national prominence, I can't think she's been delving into the finer details of Alaskan policy. Which may be to Alaska's benefit. Surely, though, she could persist in this manner for her full four-year term, and then get beaten in 2012.

But what really puzzles me is the precise timing of her announcement. Last week, Vanity Fair rolled out an article in which McCain staffers unloaded on her, calling her, among other things, a “Little Shop of Horrors,” a “diva,” and a “whack job.”

That would all be forgotten by July, but by signaling her 2012 candidacy unmistakably and by announcing her resignation now, Palin makes it impossible for those of us who planned to ignore the Vanity Fair piece. And we have to ask whether she's resigning as Governor to free up more time to run laps, or to run for office.

All this could have been mitigated by delaying the announcement, or just by serving out her term.


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all signs suggest we'll have national health insurance and a growing economy

So this is that "faith" thing I keep hearing about.

May I offer one pretty good (at least I think so) reason why she will is now going to be better off OUT of office than IN: Money. It seemed clear that the Vanity Fair article was a sledge hammer, and even though she was a mighty flea and more than just a nuisance, this was the killer blow. So, why go on now and continue to be bombarded with questions about her private and public lives? Why not, instead, accept all of the speaking engagements she is sure to be offered by the fat cats who still think she is the future of the Republican party? Imagine all of the $50,000 and $100,000 fees she will get to give 45-minute speeches, answer questions from supporters, shake hands and sign autographs, and be driven off in a chauffered limousine. It's probably the smartest--if not the only smart--thing she has ever done.

By David Berliner (not verified) on 04 Jul 2009 #permalink

I mean, her official resignation will happen on my birthday . . .

Hey, mine too. And Sandra Bullock's, and Mick Jagger's.

Sarah Palin is utterly batshit.

No. Bat's shite is useful. You can use it as fertiliser, or watch republicans throw it around (a wetsuit is recommended).

The buzz around the hard-core political blogosphere is that she and Todd are going to be indicted for corruption-related crimes, including the building of their homes by the contractor who was awarded the boondoggle contract for that Wasilla sports facility.

Mrs. Palin is actually quite consistent . She quit college 5 times before getting her degree -- in journalism, ironic for someone who demonizes the press and interviews so badly.


Why quit as governor? Those sports metaphors at the end of Palin's speech explain it.

She has a contract with the WNBA.


I hope she runs in 2012. Just to see her get chewed up and spit out in the primaries by the likes of Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. Then to see all her supporters shaking their heads and saying, "What were we thinking?"