Denier v. Denier

It's true that there's a lot of overlap between creationists and global warming deniers. Lots of creationists have been conditioned to reject claims of scientific consensus, and so throw in with the deniers.

However, the global warming deniers know that creationism is bad science, and that linking themselves to it would just be embarrassing, which leads to the possibility of internecine warfare, as creationists try to glom onto global warming denial and global warming deniers try desperately to shake them loose.

To whit, this slide from a presentation by global warming denier Richard Lindzen:


I'll save refutation of Lindzen's characterization of the IPCC process, and indeed his dismissal of climate science as an enterprise, and focus for now on the red bit, where Lindzen uses intelligent design creationism as a metric for arguments with no intellectual rigor. And next time creationists try to cite Lindzen in support of their attacks on scientific consensus, toss those words back in their faces.

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"However, the global warming deniers know that creationism is bad science, and that linking themselves to it would just be embarrassing..."

You could've fooled me. Articles like this one seem to be the norm in Conservia, as is the near uniformity of the comments of the article in condemning both theories.

Hi Joshua, I'm a science writer at Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil's largest daily newspaper, and also a fellow Scibling at the Brazilian version of ScienceBlogs. I'm working on a story largely inspired by your recent article at Science Progress, on the "unholy alliance" of creationism and climate denialism. It's a fascinating topic, and I'd be very grateful if you could please comment on some of the implications of what's happening in that arena. I've sent you some questions by e-mail. If you'd rather talk by phone, please let me know and I'd be delighted to call you. My deadline is tomorrow afternoon. Even very brief answers would do. Thanks in advance for any help!

Re Reinaldo Jose Lopes

Actually, science denialism in the US goes beyond just evolution and climate change. For instance, if Mr. Lopes visits Abbie Smiths' or Tara Smiths' or Oracs' blogs, he will note that every time the subject of HIV/AIDS comes up, the HIV/AIDS deniers come out in droves.