Davey Jones' locker overfloweth

Shorter Ned Ryun, former Bush speechwriter and twin son of disgraced former middle-distance runner and Congressman Jim Ryun: An American Armada:

Conservatives must defeat the socialists who are propping up our banking system and forcing all Americans to pay money to private health insurers. To do this, they must form an armada of sorts, in which each sacrifices his or her own wellbeing for the greater good. An armada or cadre, if you will, of heavily armed, poorly defended attackers willing to destroy their enemy (the American government) at all costs, even their lives. Only through such suicide bombing collective action commu socia sacrifi sharing radical individualism can we restore American freedom.

Whee! Haven't mocked the Ryuns for quite some time. And this time, I didn't even get to contrast Ned's urging of conservatives against starting up DC-based groups with his current position as president of a conservative group based in DC.

While we're in the Ryun's neck of the woods, my apologies to Ned's brother Drew, who was unable to stop Congress from passing a law which requires insurance companies to care for his 18 month-old daughter's congenital heart defect. I'm confident he'll get over the agony of having a Democratic government actually make his family â and many, many more â better off.

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I'm confident he'll get over the agony of having a Democratic government actually make his family â and many, many more â better off.

Why do you have such confidence? We have abundant evidence that the Repubs, as a party, are willing and eager to sacrifice tens of thousands of Americans on the altar of corporate insurance profits, and that for them any successes which might be attributed to the Democrats are utterly intolerable.

It's an unjustified accusation of hypocrisy to imply that Drew Ryun would allow such personal inconveniences as his own child's life being at risk to subsume his overriding partisan loyalty.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 13 Apr 2010 #permalink


There's a lot of evidence showing that High Right-Wing Authoritarian personalities change their tune when an ideological issue involves a family member or friend or them personally.

Getting them exposed to more of the real world and a diverse selection of humanity is almost a cure for the personality issues.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 13 Apr 2010 #permalink