Christine O'Donnell

There are no words. Delaware, you disappoint me.

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As a Kansan, you are maybe used to disappointment with WBC, etc but Delawareans are not used to it. Castle wasn't perfect but at least he had a brain, logic and compassion. O'Dumbass has none of those things. Sigh.

"American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully-functioning human brains." -- Christine O'Donnell on Bill O'Reilly.

Sadly, there is no cure for what's ailing her. There isn't even a treatment. She'll be that way for life.

By Loden Pantz (not verified) on 24 Sep 2010 #permalink

One of the potential failings of any democracy is the intellectual devolution of part of the electorate. Short of outright extermination of this sub-populace, or relocation pogroms (letâs put Alaska to good use!), there is little to be done.

On the other hand, given the current political climate, what might be feasible is an identification program.

Just attach an amendment to yet some GOP cash give-away legislation mandatingâ¦nothing painful, mindâ¦letâs say a lovely, pale pink triangle tattoo on the back of their right hands. While this does nothing more at the moment than allow normal folks to identify and shun the offensive party, think of it long term as a first step toward the more final robust solutions mentioned above.

The best bit, of course, is that the self-righteous smug indignation is coming from an anti-vaxer.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

By Pseudonym (not verified) on 27 Sep 2010 #permalink

It seems the wheels are falling of the O'Donnell wagon with the revelation that her educational history is mostly fiction.

First, it seems she never went to Oxford University, but went to summer courses run in Oxford(the town) by The Phoenix Institute. Nor has she ever attended Claremont Graduate University, nor done any courses for her claimed Masters in Princeton.

The question is whether any of this will matter to the good voters of Delaware.

OOPS! That should be "falling off". Sorry!

I is think it takes a lot of strength to stand for what you believe in. Everybody else is scared to say what they believe because it might cost them a couple of votes.
GO Christine GO! Praise the LORD and GOD bless you sister.