Holy Thunderbolts! Who Goosed Zeus Last Night?

The fair city of St. Louis was hit by a brutal thunderstorm last night, knocking out the power to at least half of the metro area. Trees are down everywhere and it takes 15 minutes to go through a major intersection, using the esoteric You-Stop-I-Go-Repeat-Ad-Absurdum technique seen only when the traffic lights are out.

Since I am one of the thousands of sweltering citizens without power I am rather reluctant to go home and start performing Katrina-like tasks such as throwing out the rapidly deteriorating contents of my refrigerator. I'd rather sit here at the office and blog inside the (brrrr!) comforting purr of the massive wasteful air conditioner sitting on the roof of this building.

My conscience however is screaming at me to stop acting like a loafer at the dog track, so I shall shove off. Before I go home to the cave and leave all you wonderful people enjoying all that electricity has to offer, let me remind our audience of the following:

Thunderstorms can be a royal pain in the keister!

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Yup, my power was out until about 2:00 am and I have one tree as well as large parts of two others down in my backyard. This morning Zeus has been flinging the lightening bolts with abandon. Power has been going out and coming back on about every ten minutes...

By afarensis (not verified) on 21 Jul 2006 #permalink

Hope they get folks up and 'cooling' soon! Hang in there. Having lived my entire life in Ill., I'm used to such things. I don't have to like them though!

One reason not to visit St. Louis:

The last time I was there, they made me fill sandbags !!!. Now this !

By John J. Coupal (not verified) on 25 Jul 2006 #permalink